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About Gammill Insurance Agency LLC

Crop Insurance, Wheat Crop Insurance, Cotton Crop Insurance
agents- David Gammill & Josh Gammill

sec.- Debbie Gammill

My wife and I moved our rural agency into Grandfield in 2006 and expanded into other lines of insurance. I am well schooled in the practical need and application of crop insurance to Oklahoma agriculture. I used MultiPeril in my own farming operation for 8 years before I became an agent. I opened my own agency in 1995 and do continue to farm part-time . I know the problems and changes that each year can bring, and I can help you manage your crop insurance to fit your risk and style of management. We can quickly and thoroughly meet the requirements of bankers, landlords, and the FSA office.

All the paperwork can be handled through the mail if you want, or I will meet with you to explain the various options or to fill out any necessary forms. The office is open 9-5 weekdays, (closed for lunch).

Our erratic weather and crop prices along with highly leveraged operations in an uncertain economy have made crop insurance a sound business investment. With USDA paying a large part of the premium, it is a truly affordable safety net for your farm that pays on most threats to your crops; hail, wind, flood, drought, insects, and disease. Let me explain it to you, then you make a decision on your own time. There are several different policies and variations of coverage that will tailor the coverage to fit your operation.

I work the same hours you do. Call me early or late, weekday or weekend at the office or on my cell. I would like to help you protect your operation with crop insurance.

Thanks for visiting our website. We would appreciate any comments or feedback.

David Gammill